Welcome! I am Susan Hyre!
I’m the heart and hands behind this website. My love for baking began in childhood, watching my mother work her magic in the kitchen and turning simple ingredients into unforgettable treats.
In the early 1980s, I turned my passion into a small hometown bakery, where I shared my creations with my community. Although the bakery eventually closed, my love for baking never wavered. Over the years, I’ve continued to share my passion by crafting cookie trays for the holidays and contributing to wedding cookie tables throughout the Pittsburgh area. Even now, I occasionally receive requests for cookies, which is a testament to the joy my baking brings to others.
As life slows down, I’ve turned my attention to sharing my experience here on this website and my YouTube channel. I aim to pass down the art of baking through detailed instructions and helpful tips to others. Teaching and inspiring future generations of bakers keeps me motivated and connected to the craft I hold so dear.
Thank you for joining me on this journey—let’s bake something extraordinary together!
I aim to offer straightforward, simple-to-follow, wholesome, and tasteful recipes.
Food photography
I also love food photography and learned how to make regular meals appear as lovely as they taste.
If you’re interested in working with me, email me at susan@cookiesandmorecookies.com or send me a direct message on Instagram.